Wednesday, March 24, 2010

QtCreator 2.0.0 Technology Preview is released

QtCreator 2.0.0 Technology Preview is also released at the same time when Qt 4.7 Technology Preview is released. It needs Qt 4.7.0 or later.

Normally, you can download installer from here and can install with it.
# chmod +x qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.0.0-alpha1.bin
# ./qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.0.0-alpha1.bin
But some CJK font users need more instructions as I described in this post.

That installer contains only binaries compiled with FT_LOAD_IGNORE_GLOBAL_ADVANCE_WIDTH off. So if you want to use QtCreator in correct CJK font width, you should build it from sources.

(1) Download source tarball from bottom of this page, then decompress and extract.

(2) Create the install directory and change to this directory.

(3) Edit file. If you install Qt 4.7.0 in /opt/Qt-4.7.0, and if you extract sources in ~/qt-creator-2.0.0-alpha1-src, add the 3 lines below:
QT_INSTALL_BINS = "/opt/Qt-4.7.0/bin"
QT_INSTALL_HEADERS = "/opt/Qt-4.7.0/include"
QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS = "/opt/Qt-4.7.0/plugins"

(4) qmake . For instance:
# /opt/Qt-4.7.0/bin/qmake "QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS=/opt/Qt-4.7.0/include" ~/qt-creator-2.0.0-alpha1-src/

(5) make . It takes about an hour.

(6) Edit LD_LIBRARY_PATH in launch script bin/qtcreator.

After succeeding all instructions, launch the QtCreator 2.0.0

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